Daf Yomi Kesubos Daf 76 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
00:00 - Good Morning 00:08 - MDYsiyum.co.uk 00:30 - Emails 02:27 - Sponsors/Initiative - Avi.8MinDaf.com 05:54 - Amud Aleph 24:39 - Amud Beis 43:31 - Have a Wonderful Day -- Today's shiur is sponsored לע״נ יוסף ברוך בן משה אהרון & לע״נ משה אלעזר בן נטע שלום And for the hatzlacha בכל ענינים for my children & Jeff Rosner: in zchus of my son Yosef Simcha Chaim Ben Sarah Chana Refuah Shlaima & Ofishel Mitzva Motivators: רפו"ש אברהם מנשה בן חנה ברכה & לע״נ זכריה בן משה & The MDY Family: לע״נ עזרא טוביה יעקב בן נתנאל יצחק, Ezra Pollak a”h & the Lock and Lebovic families Lakewood NJ because Torah is the best segulah! & רפואה שלימה יחזקאל בן לאה & As a zechus that ה׳ should watch over me & ensure that I am completely healthy עד 120 & Aaron Trauring: L’zecher Nishmas My mother Baila bas Heynoch & Loren and Sora Deetza Spigelman: in honor of the marriage this evening of their daughter Devorah to Ariel Markus from Toronto. May they build a בית נאמן בישראל, בבניין עדי עד with תורה and שלום. & by Her many Grandchildren: In honor of our grandmothers yortzeit Shirley Levine. Sarah Bat Batya & Peretz Chaim Levin: Liluy Neshamas הרב ישראל מאיר בן אריה זאב הכהן the חפץ חיים, Maran Shel Yisroel, whose Yahrtzeit is today, and in honor of my good friend, Michael Rothschild, who has dedicated his life to disseminating the teachings of the חפץ חיים thru the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation & refuah sheleyma for Avraham Abba ben Sheindal and Dovid Chaim ben Blima --- Turning of the daf Sponsored In Honor of Yanki Buam and Moshe Horn ברכה והצלחה בכל & In honor of my uncle, Reb Elchanan Pressman and as a zechus for a year filled with Mazel, Bracha, Hatzlacha, Simchos and Parnassa b'revach