Daf Yomi Kesubos Daf 96 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky

00:00 - Good Moed 00:10 - Breakfast plans 01:17 - Emails 03:00 - MDYmonthly.com 06:46 - Sponsors 08:16 - Amud Beis 12:38 - Amud Aleph 31:47 - Amud Beis 45:11 - Amud Aleph 47:44 - Have a Wonderful Moed -- Today's shiur is sponsored לע״נ יוסף ברוך בן משה אהרון & לע״נ משה אלעזר בן נטע שלום And for the hatzlacha בכל ענינים for my children & Jeff Rosner: in zchus of my son Yosef Simcha Chaim Ben Sarah Chana Refuah Shlaima & Ofishel Mitzva Motivators: רפו"ש אברהם מנשה בן חנה ברכה & לע״נ זכריה בן משה & רפואה שלימה יחזקאל בן לאה & As a zechus that ה׳ should watch over me & ensure that I am completely healthy עד 120 & Sheera Seplowitz: L'iluy nishmas Chanoch Meir ben Moshe Avraham haKohen, on his yartzeit & Sid Wellman: in honour of my mothers first yahrzeit 1st day of succos, דבורה בת ר׳ אפרים, At the age of 101 merited to see children grandchildren great grandchildren and great great grandchildren who followed in way of Torah and Mitzvos --- Turning of the daf Sponsored As a zechus to continue being able to support Torah and to finish Shas with Reb Eli & In honor of my uncle, Reb Elchanan Pressman and as a zechus for a year filled with Mazel, Bracha, Hatzlacha, Simchos and Parnassa b'revach