Daf Yomi Kiddushin Daf 10 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


00:00 - Good Morning00:09 - Emails & Guests02:26 - MDYsponsor.com04:52 - Amud Beis10:16 - Amud Aleph25:07 - Amud Beis46:35 - Amud Aleph46:49 - Have a Wonderful dayQuiz - https://kahoot.it/challenge/00285109--Today's shiur is sponsoredLock and Lebovic families Lakewood NJ: because torah and achdus are the best segula&Bracha Ad Bli Dai In All My Endeavors - Baruch Tzvi Nissim ben Shoshana Leah&Dr Avrum Epstein: In memory of the 3rd yahrzeit of his beloved Raiza Gitl bas Zeav&Mordechai Ben Esther for a complete Refuah Shalema B’Karov&לע״נ חיה בת יוסף&Leilui Nishmat: Avraham “Albert” ha Levi ben Ester & Gavriel Beniyaminov&In honor of Rav Eli's Siyum HaShas and all the lives changed by Rav Eli.&לע״נ זכריה בן משה&Glenn Roeder: Memory of my wonderful mother, Etel bat Lipa v' Chava&Mordechai Sapoznick: Lzaicher Nishmas the Zera Shimshon, Horav Shimshon Chaim ben R' Nachman Michoel zt"l. May his neshama have a aliyah! May he be a meiletz yosher for all those that learn his sefarim (And the one who publishes his sefarim, Rabbi Nachman Seltzer!) and all of Klal Yisroel!&Avi Junger from Vienna: Leiluy nishmas Tosfos Yom Tov & Zera Shimshon& as thank you to Reb Eli & Yosef Billyack. As a zechus I should reach my goal for my Sefer Torah and sidduchim for all those that are looking.For health, nachas & parnosa for my parents!&David Hersh: My son Alex who finished taanis/chagigah over the summer with R Eli on youtube&Sruly Bernstein: Leilu Nishamas Avraham Lake ben Meir Halevi&Zalmen Twersky: In honor of the CHOSSON and KALLAH Yochanon and Chaya Twersky---Turning of the daf:In honor of my uncle Reb Elchanan Pressman and as a zechus for a year filled with Mazel, bracha and parnassa b'revach&Greg Haber:ברכה פרנסה הצלחה ובריאות for his family, Rav Eli, all MDY & everyone doing the daf_________________________________