Daf Yomi Megillah Daf 15 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


🌟 NEW - Daf Review Quiz https://forms.gle/AJKqkeeEaprULChFA -- Today's shiur is sponsored לע״נ יהושע אריה לייב הכהן בן יונתן חיים ז"ל & Maseches Megillah the Davis and Kessler families in zechus for Refuah shleima for Miriam Esther bas Devora & Maseches Megillah Shmuly Hecht F245 לע"נ ר' מרדכי שלמה פינחס טוביה ז"ל בן אברהם משה פרץ נ"י may his neshoma have an aliyah & IHO RL-97 (Akiva Tepper) for introducing me to R' Eli's daf & Daniel & Tzirel Coane Zchus for a refuah shleima for Gavriel Binyamin Ben Tzirel Fruma & לעילוי נשמת שרה בת אריה משה & Shaye Weiss in memory of Yutta bas Yeshaye HaLevi & Avrumie and Shprintzy Gross in honor of last night's marriage of our dear son Binyomin to Elana Abadi. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne'eman b' yisroel. And in honor of the wedding anniversary of our dear friends Dr. Herb and Sue Taragin. May hashem grant the many more years together and good health & Sid and Orna Wellman, Toronto Canada Lzecher mishmash our son Adin Yehuda Ben Shmuel Yosef & Leibe Leichter and Ari Burack Refuah Shelaima and tefillos for a succesful surgery today for Mordechai Nisan Ben Razel - i.e. Daddy, Shver, Grandpa and Moti & Mikhail Aminov In Honor of Nisim Akilov for starting the Daf with Rav Eli & Tomer Levy לעילוי נשמת שמחה בת לאה ז׳ל -- Turning of the daf sponsors Sponsored by Aaron Stroock In honor of my parents Josh & Naomi Stroock & in honor of my father being mesayem his first masechta in shaas, Rosh Hashana. Also lezecher nishmas Aharon ben Shimon Hakohen Z"L first yarzheit this כ טבת & Sponsored: in Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Yaakov and Sorah Levin By their children