Daf Yomi Megillah Daf 21 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


🌟 NEW - Daf Review Quiz https://forms.gle/XAFwhCh4JHo1tUvH7 - 00:00 - Good Morning 00:05 - Pictures/Emails 05:58 - Sponsors 07:59 - Amud Aleph 11:02 - Hadran 29:33 - Amud Beis 48:22 - Have a Wonderful Day -- Today's shiur is sponsored לע״נ יהושע אריה לייב הכהן בן יונתן חיים ז"ל & Maseches Megillah the Davis and Kessler families in zechus for Refuah shleima for Miriam Esther bas Devora & Maseches Megillah Shmuly Hecht F245 לע"נ ר' מרדכי שלמה פינחס טוביה ז"ל בן אברהם משה פרץ נ"י may his neshoma have an aliyah & IHO RL-97 (Akiva Tepper) for introducing me to R' Eli's daf & Daniel & Tzirel Coane Zchus for a refuah shleima for Gavriel Binyamin Ben Tzirel Fruma & In loving memory of Esther Bas Simcha Bunim  נפטר כ"ט טבת תשפ"א Sponsored by her grandchildren Gedalia & Simcha Freudenberger SI-47 & Benjamin Bodenheim In honor of our miracle daughter Hansie (EDEN) Bodenheim. May she continue to grow and thrive and bring us much nachas & Yisroel Goldstein In honor of my son Shimon's Chalakah today. He should grow up to be a ISH EMES with a love for Torah & Chaya Fix Leilui NIshmas נחמן בן חיים וציפורה & Yehuda Scheff For the chasuna tonight of my son moshe reuvain and his kalleh chavie esther schwartz. may they be zocheh to build a bayis ne'ehman byisroel & Yossie Klein I would like to wish my neighbor, Reb Moshe Raiken a very happy birthday. He is a real Daf Guy and adds a lot of chiyus to our Monsey branch siyumim & Israel Shalitzky Lzecher nishmas my Grandmother yarzeit חי'ה לאה בת ר משה ע"ה יואל בן יוסף ז"ל. -- Turning of the daf sponsors Sponsored by Aaron Stroock In honor of my parents Josh & Naomi Stroock & in honor of my father being mesayem his first masechta in shaas, Rosh Hashana. Also lezecher nishmas Aharon ben Shimon Hakohen Z"L first yarzheit this כ טבת & Sponsored: In Honor of Reb Eli for all that he does