Daf Yomi Moed Katan Daf 29 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


00:00 - Good Morning 00:07 - Story/Emails 06:30 - Sponsors 09:51 - Amud Aleph 17:24 - Amud Beis 42:45 - Amud Aleph 44:40 - Mazel Tov! 44:55 - Have a Wonderful Day -- Today's shiur is sponsored Maseches Moed Katan is dedicated by the Kessler and Davis families Refuah shleima for Miriam Esther bas Devora bekorov & Michael & Jayme Benmeleh In Memory of  Devora Faige Bat Shmuel Z”L and Menachem Mendel ben Elchanan z”l may their neshamas should have an Aliyah and may Hashem bring Moshiach and the ultimate redemption to the World bimhera beyamenu! Amen! & Jonathan Eltes In honour of Jonathan Austein for introducing me to MDY. R Dovid Posner from Thornhill who now learns Mishnayous Yomi because of MDY. And of course to R’ Eli for all that you do & MDY Family לע"נ ר' שלום ברוך יודא ז"ל בן הרב יוסף יחיאל מיכל שליט״א R' Yidi Leibowitz Z"L & Refuah shleima Shlomo Hakohen Ben Mindel & Chaim Weingarten In appreciation of the shiur & ShaulE Wassertheil  in memory of his Wife's Neshomah לע''נ  עקא עדנה (Edna) צפורה בת משה מנחם הלוי נלב''ע ט' תמוז תשפ''א & Justin Ivri In honor of finishing another מסכת with Reb Eli. THANK YOU יה'ר שימלא השם כל משאלות לבכם לטובה & Anonymously by Kalman of 5T Z'l of R' Moshe Aharon Alter Ben Josef Binyamin - A"H, who was just Niftir & Jonathan Stefansky In memory of my mother חוה בת יוסף on her shloshim & Huge Mazal Tov to Dovi Kertzner on finishing his first Mesechta! Special shout out to Shlomo Kertnzer and Dovi Feldman for finishing From Uncle Woody & Refuah Slemah to Yakov ben Tamar Malkah, a 5 year old boy from Mirer who got hit by a car today and is in critical condition & Donny Fein L'kovid his son Akiva On his first siyum! -- Turning of the daf sponsors Sponsored by Moshie Horn in honor of Chewie, Woody and the Kale twins & Sponsored: In honor of Reb Eli, wishing him hatzlacha in all his endeavors both in Gashmius and Ruchnios