Daf Yomi Nazir Daf 18 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky

00:00 - Good Morning 00:08 - Guests 02:06 - Emails 05:18 - Sponsor.8MinDaf.com 08:42 - Questions/Guests 10:56 - Amud Aleph 28:30 - Amud Beis 46:16 - Amud Aleph 46:43 - Have a Wonderful Shabbos -- Shiur Motsei Shabbos - 8pm -- Today's shiur is sponsored Maaser & לע"נ חיה בּת יוסף By Anon Ymous & לע״נ זכריה בן משה & Shprintzy and Alan Gross, לע"נ The yahrzeits of our Father's, שלמה זלמן בן יצחק אייזיק ז"ל, Sol Birnbaum ע"ה, נפטר ח' שבט בנימין אייזיק בן צבי הירש הכהן ז"ל, Ben Gross ע"ה, נפטר ט"ז שבט & the MDY Family: Leilu Nishmas Boruch Helfgott z'l ben ybl'c Mordche Shloima & Joel Friedman: LEILI NISHMAS MY DEAR FATHER חיים אברהם שלום ירוחם בן ישׂראל דוד ע״ה YURTZEIT TODAY & Andra and Craig Goldman: In honor of the West Orange Siyum Nedarim with shoutout to Felderman & Weiss families & Jeff Rosner: Ilui Nishmas Bni Yosef Simcha Chaim. Yisro was his Bar Mitzvah parsha & Moshe Feintuch: the rifuah Shiliama of Sarah bas peril, the yad hashem in mos sports training co & Peretz Chaim & Zahava Levin: In honor of the Golden Dove Bris of my grandson Yechiel Eliyahu Grossman Mazel Tov to the parents Avi & Rochella Grossman And grandparents Harry & Eileen Grossman And Great grandparents Yankel & Sorah Levin & לע"נ מורי ורבי הרב חיים ישראל Belsky זכר צדיק וקדוש לברכה On his 7th Yahrtzeit He is sorely missed By his Talmid Peretz Chaim Levin --- Turning of the daf לכ׳ ישיבת נועם התורה י-ם,והרב דוד אמון שליטא who always encourages us to finish ש״ס & להצלחה for the magid shiur, the members of the HBA Group and their families. אמן