Daf Yomi Pesachim Daf 115 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


Today's shiur is sponsored by Yossi Saunders For my wife Miriam in honour of her birthday today Thank you Hashem for allowing me to meet my true Eshes Chayil! & Ira Greenstein Refuah Shlemah for R’ Chaim Shlomo ben Rachel -- Turning of the daf two sponsors Sponsored for a Refuah Shelayma for all Cholei Yisrael, especially from our MDY family. Please consider joining the MDY Tehillim group at tehillim.8mindaf.com & Brocha vehatzlacha for all the MDY staff in their every day lives  for all the hard avodas hakodesh they do