Daf Yomi Pesachim Daf 42 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


Today's shiur is sponsored by The MDY family: leilui nishmat Yerachmiel ben Yisroel and leilui nishmat Yehoshua ben Boruch Nosson & Mordechai Sapoznick: L'zecher Nishmas, his Great Grandmother's yartzeit,  Rebbitzen Rochel Leah Rabin - Rochel Leah bas R' Shimon z""l & Kalman Oppenheimer: L'uyulei Nishmas Yehudis bas Mordechai (Edith Ukeles) on the occasion of her 14th Yahrzeit.  She was a wonderful mother, grandmother and great grandmother that is truly missed & Nachum Eilberg (Nof Zion, Yerushalayim): In memory of my father, פסח זעליג בן יעקב נחום on his 36th yartzait on י"ח טבת. From a loyal daily via YouTube follower since the first few days of Berachot and fortunately, have not missed a day since