Daf Yomi Rosh Hashanah Daf 25 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
Today's shiur is sponsored Shmuly Hecht F245 In honor of the Daf Yomi Committee and the Hatzalah Members who push Harbotzas Hatoira with our dear esteemed Magid Shiur Reb Eli.And Le"n my dear chaver R' Mordechai Shloime Pinchus Tuviya A"H Ben Avrohom Moishe Peretz N"Y Kopman, who was ripped away from us at such a young age may his neshoma have an Aliya & Maseches Rosh Hashana is dedicated by Yossi & Estie Elbaum and their children Tehila and Reuven lzecher nishmas their mother/grandmother Bella Wolman ביילא צפורה בת ר׳ ראובן whose 1st yartzheit will be on the day of the siyum ט כסלוand as a zchus for a shidduch for תהילה שרה בת אסתר לאה & Michael Barry Sandpearl For the 1st yarhzeit of my wife - Fruma Rashi bat Dov Baer & Alan & Lester Bleich In memory of our dear mother: Yitta Livsha Bas Avrohom Tzvi A"H, on her first yahrzeit & Mordecai Y Holtz Recently I started a commitment to learning (and now my 12 year old son Azi does too) with rav Eli. Since then, there have been many moments of true siyata diahmaya including today my first day on a new job that starts today. May today's learning be a zechut for many more successes ברוחניות וגשמיות for all those learning להצלחת חיה שרה בת אברהם חיים רפואת הרב מאיר בן אלטע שיינדל ולרפואת הרב אברהם בן פעסל פרימט & Mordechai Sapoznick Lzaicher Nishmas my Great Grandfather (my namesake) Horav Mordechai Ben Horav Aharon zt"l He was a direct descendant of the Baal Shem Tov zt"l and was a talmid of the Chofetz Chaim zt"l. May his neshama have a aliyah & Yigal Sklarin In honor of the 50th birthday of my friend, MDY follower and big fan of the 8 minute daf, Reb Mike Cohen, Moshe Michoel ben Harav Rephael Yisroel Yaakov, Reb Yankel Cohen from Telshe Cleveland. Ben Chamishim le'Etzah, maybe now people will start listening to his advise and watch his home movies. May he continue to inspire those around him with his dedication to others and the community & Yumi Feig לרפו"ש הרב שמואל בן שרה פעריל & Yitzchak Meir Skobac L'ilui nishmas Naomi bas Faivel....Refuah Shleimah for Binyomin Chaim ben Zelda & Shidduchim for their daughters Dodi Lee bas Naomi and Tikvah bas Naomi & David Holder Civia yael bas Chaya Dalya, a young girl with a brain tumor from Manchester who needs a refuah bizchus all the learning & Donny Fein Happy Birthday Avi Kamionski -- Turning of the daf sponsors the MDY Tehillim group - for all who need Shidduchim, Refuas and Yeshuos, Please join us at tehillim.8mindaf.com & Anonymously: Zechus for Shahla Tamar Chaya bat Sara to have a refuah sheleimah bekarov, bracha, simcha, arichas yamim, and nachas from all her children and grandchildren