Daf Yomi Rosh Hashanah Daf 27 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
Today's shiur is sponsored Shmuly Hecht F245 In honor of the Daf Yomi Committee and the Hatzalah Members who push Harbotzas Hatoira with our dear esteemed Magid Shiur Reb Eli.And Le"n my dear chaver R' Mordechai Shloime Pinchus Tuviya A"H Ben Avrohom Moishe Peretz N"Y Kopman, who was ripped away from us at such a young age may his neshoma have an Aliya & Maseches Rosh Hashana is dedicated by Yossi & Estie Elbaum and their children Tehila and Reuven lzecher nishmas their mother/grandmother Bella Wolman ביילא צפורה בת ר׳ ראובן whose 1st yartzheit will be on the day of the siyum ט כסלוand as a zchus for a shidduch for תהילה שרה בת אסתר לאה & Chodesh Kislev is Sponsored by Yoeli לע"נ דוב פנחס בן משה ע"ה לע"נ רוחמה חיה פרומא בת דוב פנחס ע"ה לע"נ יחיאל שרגא בן אברהם הלוי ע"ה & Chodesh Kislev is Sponsored by Richard Klein my mother Nechama bas Calev & Yisroel Goldstein celebrating my 600th day learning the daf with R' Eli (and its my goisha wedding anniversary. remember remember the 5th of November) & Charley Seide Yahrzeit of my sister - Perel Bas Rav Yosef. Also the birthday of my brother inlaw Alan Hammer RL53 (Rockaway - Lawrence) Hatzalah & Chaim Lewitan Refuah Shelima for Gershon Yosef Ben Rochel & Jack Nussbaum F217 Ah Gitten Chodesh! In Honor of the Wednesday Morning Chevrah Avrumi Scher F160 Yaakov Mo F185 Effie Zuller F223 Bentzion Mandel F226 Yitzi Radzik F231 Effy Zweigenhaft F261 Moshe Pearlman F264 Duddy Farkas SG22 Benny Wahrhaftig SI43 It's Geshmak To Do The Daf! & Yossi and Chaya Statman, l’ilui nishmas, Chaya’s father, Alter Chaim ben Yitzchok Eizig Bienenstock, on his 7th yahrtzeit. May he be a meilitz yashar for the entire mishpocha & Shlomo Shasha Thanking Avi and Yoni Berger for pushing me to do the daf. And Of course my brother Yossi for leading by example! Shoutout to Moshe Tishler as well who’s been pushing me. So glad I got involved. May it be a zechus for their health and parnassah! #geshmaktodothedaf & Naftali Berger Hatslacha for Benny Berger -- Turning of the daf sponsors Sponsored by Adam Vales in memory of my Mother, Gale F. Rothner Avigayil Gittel bat Pesach v'Chava Rivkah & Anonymously: Zechus for Shahla Tamar Chaya bat Sara to have a refuah sheleimah bekarov, bracha, simcha, arichas yamim, and nachas from all her children and grandchildren