Daf Yomi Shekalim Daf 10 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


Today's shiur is sponsored Yehuda David לעלוי נשמת מנחם מנדל בן נתנא-ל Menachem David was a dedicated Jew who learned the daf and went through the cycle many times . He was a true eved Hashem & Chaim and Hindy Snow L'izecher Nishmas Yaakov Zvi ben Avraham Radin who's first Yartziet is today & Simcha Lichter שבע בת ר' מנשה שאהן leyilu nishmas my wife’s grandmother who passed away Shabbos morning -- Turning of the daf sponsor In Zechus for a shidduch for Dina Tamar Bat Esther Rivka