Daf Yomi Succah Daf 04 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


Today's shiur is sponsored To welcome all new listeners and in particular the new participants from across London. We are looking forward to welcome 150+ new members- Please email MDYLondon@gmail.com to receive news of local events and to be added to the local Whatsapp group etc - With thanks - MDY London & Yakov Bodner in honor of Reb Eli for all the amazing, educational and entertaining shiurim and for helping me be mesayem my first mesechta in years. and in honor of Stephen Sokolow as a hakaras hatov for introducing me to Reb Eli, the shiur and for pushing me to join the shiur and the MDY family & Ari Davis in honour of my son in law - Shmuly, who joined the shuir on Friday for Succah, also in honour of my last day, live with Reb Eli and all the chevra, I am humbled being here!! & Yisroel Guttentag L'refuas Avrohom Yona ben Gittel & Today's Daf Yomi International Gemora Shiur is sponsored by Mendel Mitz in Loving Memory of his aunt RUTH HONEY HARRIS  who's Yortzeit is today the 2nd of Av May her Neshoma have an Aliyah.  Wishing her children, grandchildren, siblings and all of her family a long and healthy life!  לע"נ רות זיסל בת יצחק ע"ה & Yossi dahari לע"נ יוסף בן עמרם ע"ה my Grandfather who's yahrzeit is today -- Turning of the daf sponsor Sponsored by the MDY Tehillim group - for all who need Shidduchim, Refuas and Yeshuos, Please join us at tehillim.8mindaf.com