Daf Yomi Succah Daf 19 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
Today's shiur is sponsored Michael Benmeleh: In memory of his mother Devora Faige bat shmuel z"l and Father-in-law Menachem Mendel Ben Elchanan Z"L and in the merit to make it to Uman Rosh hashana this year & L'ilui Nishmas My Maternal Grandmother, Chava Shoretz - Chava bas R' Yehoshua, May today's learning be a Zechus for her Neshama and a source of comfort for the family. Avrohom Mayer Farkovits & Israela & Stephen Perlitsh on the Yortzeit of his Father, Binyomin B""R Shmuel Benjamin Perlitsh A"H & מזל טוב- מזל טוב לכבוד שמחת הנישואין של החתן בן ציון הכהן עב"ג נעה הדס פרלמן מהדוד האוהב שרגא פייוויש בורא עולם בקניין השלם זה הבניין -- Turning of the daf sponsor Sponsored by the MDY Tehillim group - for all who need Shidduchim, Refuas and Yeshuos, Please join us at tehillim.8mindaf.com