Daf Yomi Yevamos Daf 114 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
00:00 - Good Chodesh 00:10 - Schedule 03:19 - Emails/Picture 07:03 - Sponsors/Guests 09:09 - Amud Beis 15:54 - Amud Aleph 34:21 - Amud Beis 43:45 - Hadran 46:15 - Have a Wonderful Day -- Today's shiur is sponsored Ahron Fraiman Lzchus continued parnasah, siyadta dishmaya, and hatzlacha to R Eli! & The Lock and Lebovic families, Lakewood NJ because Torah is the best segula! & Refuah Shilayma for חנה יוכבד אביה בת שפרה חיה & the MDY Family Leilu Nishmas Shimshon Weiss - Shimson ben Meshulam Dov z'l Shimmy.8MinDaf.com & As a zechus for our children to be kadosh, safe, healthy, happy & know השם loves them & the Sharp family לע״נ our cousin שׁמחה אליעזר דוד ע״ה בּ״ר יוסף חיים נ״י דייוס & Happy Anniversary to my wife, Tzirel Farkovits, May today's learning be a Zechus for her and the whole family. Avrohom Mayer, Yisroel Dov & Asher Zelig Farkovits & Liliuyai Nishmas my Grandmother Chana Bluma bas Hillel Yaakov Levin, on her Yahrzeit. By her grandson Peretz Chaim Levin & Lhatzlacha bruchnios ubigashios for the whole mishpacha --- Turning of the daf Sponsored by Moshie Horn in honor of Hillel Zand & Nesanel: L'hatzluche Ruchny and gashmy for Murad Nakash, For introducing me to MDY