Daf Yomi Yevamos Daf 93 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
00:00 - Good Morning/Guests 01:18 - Sponsors 02:26 - Kesubos is starting soon! 03:34 - Emails/Picture 07:33 - Amud Beis 12:13 - Amud Aleph 26:17 - Amud Beis 45:10 - Have a Wonderful Day -- Today's shiur is sponsored Ahron Fraiman Lzchus continued parnasah, siyadta dishmaya, and hatzlacha to R Eli! & By the Lock and Lebovic families Lakewood NJ, because Torah is the best segulah! & לע״נ חיה בת יוסף & Mazel Tov to Jake and Michal Lebovic on the birth of their first son He absorbed the daf daily while in his mother, we know he was listening because He would kick when R Eli says Ah! May he iyh grow up to be a Talmid chacham. Yerie Shomaim and Baal Midos and do the Daf. & ShaulE Wassertheil ,9th of Sivan In memory of his wife Eka Edna Tzipora Bas R' Moshe Menachem OB'M 12 months, 1st Yurtzeit will be 9 Tamuz Turning of the daf Sponsored by Moshie Horn in honor of Hillel Zand & In honor of Eli for the countless lives he's changing