Daf Yomi Yoma Daf 05 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
Today's shiur is sponsored Matti Friedman In honor of two of your Talmidim - Shaya Hecht and Yakov Bodner! & Liluy nishmas Eli's mother Rus bas Mordechai may all he does for limud hatorah be a Z'chus for he neshama. and Welcome to my brother Aaron Kessler and his son, Yaakov (Jake), they joined the shiur on daf Bais & Anonymous לעילוי נשמת הרה״ג הרב יוסף דוב סאלאווייציק (בית הלוי) & Sponsored by Mark Aschkenasy Leiluy Nishmas Aahron A”H ben yibudo l’chaim tovim Reb Yitzchok Kofman י"נ on his SHLOSHIM My first cousin Aahron, 49 years old, was nifter suddenly -- Turning of the daf sponsors As a zchus for Dina Tamar bas Esther Rivka to be zoche to find that great amazing shidduch that HKBH has chosen and set aside for her, easily and quickly and without any further stress or tension or aggravation or heartache & For a shidduch for my daughter Sarah Leena Bas Golda Leah & Power Delivery Solutions Inc For a shiduch for שיינדל רחל בת אברהם צבי