Daf Yomi Yoma Daf 28 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
Today's shiur is sponsored Alan Listhaus In memory of my Bubbe, Bracha bas Hersh Dovid on her 77th yahrtzeit,who was murdered by the Nazis on her arrival at Aushwitz/Birkenau, along with 5 of her children & 1 grandchild. By her grandchildren Beverly Fink, Dr. Alan Listhaus, Dr Michelle Nordlicht, Dr Cindy Dobrinsky. & Happy Birthday Abba! We are all so so thankful for all that you do for us, we all love you so much! The Liptons & Ehrenpreis's & Lzeicher Nishmas the Kedoshim from Visuel de Sus, in the Visheve region of Romania. 27 Iyar is the day they arrived in Auschwitz. May our Kehilla of R' Eli's Daf Yomi be merit for their Kehilla. From the Kaufler, Kaplan, Tessler, Mandel and Wiesel families & Menashe Roth The 77th Yartzeit of my Grandmother's family (Chaya bas Yitzchok Yaakov) Tzirel bas Chaya, Yitzchok Yaakov ben Moshe Yosef and their children Hershel, Faiga, Avrohom, Ahron & Miriam from the Town of Batyu, Czechoslovakia -- Turning of the daf sponsors Power Delivery Solutions Inc For a shiduch for שיינדל רחל בת אברהם צבי & Shidduch for Esther Devora bas Leah Gittel & Shidduch for Devora bas Suri & עילוי נשמת, רפואה שלימה & healing of families effected by the Meron Tragedy