Daf Yomi Yoma Daf 63 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


Today's shiur is sponsored לעילוי נשמת Elazar Ben Yehudah Leib R' Eli's Rebbe's wife, Mimi, was his first grandchild and brought him tremendous Nachas in this world as she was in Chicago in his house for her early years & In loving memory of the Lubavitcher Rebbe רבי מנחם מענדל בן ר׳ לוי יצחק on his 27th Yhortzeit  May we be zoiche to continue to make him proud and fulfill his ultimate wish the coming of moshiach Tzidkainu & Yehuda Zyskind is Dedicating today’s Shiur in the Zchus and Honor of  Reb Jay Hellman on his “Passing The Torch” as he steps out as Alumni Director of WITS Yeshiva. Reb Jay should have a lot of Brachah, Hatzlachah, and Simcha in his future endeavors & Hillel and Ezra Abrahams לעילוי נשמת our grandfather on our father's side  ר' צבי הירש בן ר' שמואל ע"ה -- Turning of the daf sponsor L’ilui neshama of Uri Ben Mattisyahu and for the success in Gashmius and especially ruchnius of his grandchildren