Daf Yomi Yoma Daf 75 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


Today's shiur is sponsored לעילוי נשמת הרב חיים בן עטר זצוק"ל (אור החיים הקודש) & Shloime Rosenberg for my mother's Yahrtzeit לע"נ מרת חוה בת ר' יעקב הלוי ע"ה & In honor of the Yartzeit of chazzan Moshe Schulhof, Moshe Yakov Ben HaRav Dov From Mimi and Stephen Sokolow & Family & Mordechai Sapoznick Lzaicher Nishmas Avrohom Yeshayahu ben R' Yisroel Aryeh z"l. He should be a meiletz yosher for the entire Mishpacha and all of Klal Yisroel! & Avi Mandelbaum In honor of the greatest words in all of sports. ""Game 7"" May the Torah learned be a zechut for the Islanders to win game 7 against the Lightening and move onto the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time since 1984 & Eli Dyckman For the ohr hachaim’s yahrzeit חיים בן משה בן עטר & לעילו נשמת הרב אריה ליב גינסבורג‎ (שאגת אריה) -- Turning of the daf sponsor L’ilui neshama of Uri Ben Mattisyahu and for the success in Gashmius and especially ruchnius of his grandchildren