Leadership is More Than Looking The Part

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching - A podcast by Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching


I was speaking with a young man at the gym. He made a comment that made me twist my head sideways like one of my curious Alpacas. 

He said, “I’m working so hard to be a good leader. Here I am at the gym, and I’m spending all my time on the phone trying to get my team to be more productive.”

I asked, “What is your team doing?”

“Oh, some are working in the office and others with clients, but I know they can do more.”

I don’t know about you, but that last thing that motivates me is to have somebody else, who is NOT working, tell ME to get to work. That’s what I said. 

His response?

“I am working. I must look good in my career. My staff should understand that.”

Oh - I’m confident they understand completely.

Leadership is more than LOOKING the part. It’s about BEING the part. If you are talking more than you are walking, you are not leading.