Reflection 25 - Interior Suffering - A Path to Mercy

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - A podcast by My Catholic Life!

As you grow deeper in your relationship with God you will have many moments of struggle as well as many moments of consolation. Do not be afraid of moments of dryness and interior suffering. They are necessary and part of God’s method of holiness for you. In those moments, raise your eyes to Jesus. See Him in His glory and beg for His Mercy (See Diary #22-23).Honestly look at your soul this day. Ponder all that you experience interiorly. Ponder, especially, all that only you are aware of. Do you find pain and suffering within? If it is a result of your own sin then rejoice that you see this. If it is the result of God purifying you, then rejoice that He loves you enough to let you go through this spiritual dryness. Look to Heaven and give thanks for all that you experience interiorly, for that which is in your soul is the presence of God leading you to Himself. Lord, at times I feel dry and dead inside. At times I wonder where You are and if You are with me. Help me to have hope and trust in those moments and to see them as a pathway to a deeper faith in You. Help me to turn to You in these moments so that Your gates of Mercy may be opened ever more widely. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.