Reflection 33 - The Mercy of Purification

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy - A podcast by My Catholic Life!

Imagine if you could see your soul as God sees it. What would you see? How might God see your soul? Certainly He sees His precious child and looks at you with the greatest of love. But He also sees your sin, even the slightest sin. These sins, even the smallest imperfection, must be purged from within by His burning love. The Mercy of God becomes deeply “painful” in a spiritual way as it purifies. But this purification is necessary and is freeing. Purification must take place either now or through Purgatory. Choose the purification of God’s merciful love now and you will not regret it (See Diary #36).Reflect, today, upon God’s love coming to you to purify your soul of every sin, even the smallest imperfection you may have. See this as an act of abundant Mercy. Be ready to feel the sweet pain of being purified and do not run from this. Your purification fills the Heart of our Lord with immense joy!Lord, help me to see my soul as You see it. Help me to let Your merciful gaze cleanse me of every sin. In Your compassion, dear Lord, replace the sin in my life with Your Mercy. And help me to never run from You. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2021 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.