1103 | Forwardness is Essential for Contact
Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians - A podcast by Lorna Leeson
What this episode is all about & how it can help you:- Realise that contact is a result of other things Understand what 'forwardness' is and why it is so important See the role you play in the forward and the contact See how it should be present in every element of the ride, even halt Contact. You know how important it is to your overall conversation with your horse. However, for many riders, contact can be elusive! It comes and goes without any real impact being made from it. Time and again I see riders in the arena, sawing the mouth off their poor horse in a desperate misguided attempt to achieve 'on the bit'. However, if 'on the bit' is the goal, it is important that we go back to the drawing board first. more... Happy Riding, Lorna Improve your riding today by joinng us here http://stridesforsuccess/join/