Episode 19: Fabio Liberti – NOOK

DancePod with Skånes Dansteater - A podcast by Skånes Dansteater


Fabio Liberti, choreographer and dancer, introduces you to his new piece NOOK. An outdoor   production for 7 dancers that will perform in parks around Malmö and Lund. In NOOK dancing bodies become a building collective. A few weeks before premiering Fabio and host Samuel Denton talk about our ability to adapt to change and our need to create small tribes. Fabio also share his thoughts on the physicality of NOOK and on being transparent as a leader in the dance studio.NOOK world premieres in collaboration with Sommarscen Malmö 12 June 2021.-----Host: Samuel Denton, dancer, Skånes DansteaterGuest: Fabio Liberti, choreographerEditors: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, dancer Skånes DansteaterJingle: Anders Ortman.-----