Are You Ready To Be a Medical Writer?

DarshanTalks Podcast - A podcast by Darshan Kulkarni

Darshan Hey everyone, my name is Darshan Kulkarni and I'm your host for the Darshan talks podcast. As some of you know, I'm an attorney, I'm a pharmacist, and advise companies with FDA regulated products. So if you work or have an interest in FDA regulated companies or their products, this is a podcast for you. If you are working in an FDA regulated, regulated company or are interested in the products associated with it, you're probably dealing with with something that has had medical writers fingers all over it. And if the fingers have been all over it is because they've probably been through a lot of school. And to get there, they may have been THROUGH THROUGH THROUGH Danny's guidance. So you should care about today's podcast because our guest is someone who has spent a lot of time educating students. I believe it's over 22 years of distance learning 16 years of online teaching. But we'll talk about that more. Please leave a comment and subscribe. If you find this interesting. We'd love to have you listened to the next podcast. But Danny himself is currently the Director of biomedical writing programs. He's the professor of biomedical writing. He has a PhD in biology and has a decade at Wyatt where he worked on 14 MBAs. He redesigned he's now at the University of the sciences, where he redesigned the curriculum for the biomedical writing program significantly contributed to the creation of a graduate program in regulatory sciences and created or revised 12 courses. He's been the instructor for 10 regularly occurring courses and seven Special Topics courses, many of which have been taught multiple times. He's the author, co author of 14 manuscripts, two book chapters and numerous clinical reports. He's been on nine professionals, society, society meeting program committees, Danny, what did I miss? Dan Actually, it's now for book chapters because we have a second edition and significantly revised those two. So they really aren't the same thing anymore, since quite a bit happened between version one and version two. I have other manuscripts in the hopper. We'll see what happens. But that's part of Of course, being a professor. It's not just publish or perish. It's published because that's what we're supposed to do. Darshan Yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, our guest for the day, then Ben now, then you can thank you for coming on. I appreciate it. Dan Thanks for having me. Darshan It's so so let's, let's ask some basic questions. Right. Why did you decide to go from being in Wyatt working on NDA to being a professor? Well, Dan actually, I worked at y for a decade. I moved on from there. I was at Santa Fe, cinta labo for a bit over a year and then decided to go freelance. Darshan Okay. Dan So I freelanced. We kind of set an industry record before I left freelancing. I was hired in at the beginning of October, and we submitted an NDA in the middle of December. Darshan Wow. Then two months, right? Dan Yeah, two and a half months, and that product ultimately went to market, Darshan which was a dino, excuse me, which product was it? Dan Um, it was called ventes. It was it was a treatment for advanced prostate cancer used history colon, which was an off patent drug that was originally used to treat precocious puberty, but they wrapped it up in a the material that was so as a combo product, it was wrapped up in a tube made out of material from gas permeable contact lenses and was then implanted under the skin. So it was good for a year in creating in treating metastatic prostate cancer. Darshan Okay, so so your your biology knowledge is not skin deep, if you will, a PhD