GirlBo$$in' 101
DAVI THE SCAPEGOAT - A podcast by Davi Crimmins
Davi eases us into a new phase of the DAVi The ScapeGOAT podcast. We started this story with comfort humans - now it's time to get uncomfy! She's surrounding herself with Girl Bosses in all different stages of beautiful metamorphosis. Women that motivate & inspire us to step outside of our comfort zone more often. In this episode the ladies are talking reversing the dreaded burn-out, favorite femme follows, improving our small talk, and this endangered concept where "women help women" instead of gatekeeping. It's GirlBo$$in' 101 with cohost + new business owner Alex, host of the “Words From A Warrior” podcast, broadcasting out of her new residence in NYC. Repeat after me; it's never too late, take the leap, & "f*ck it Nantucket two tears in a bucket!" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit