Day Two Cloud 101: Closing The Network/Cloud Gap Before You Fall In (Sponsored)

Day Two DevOps - A podcast by Packet Pushers - Wednesdays


On today’s episode, sponsored by BlueCat Networks, we examine the technology and human challenges that arise when you integrate on-prem and the public cloud. You can’t continue to do things in the cloud with traditional toolsets and processes. You need to update the tech and the people, including how they collaborate. We also talk about the role of DNS in the public cloud, and discuss a new report from BlueCat that examines the need for, and challenges of, integrating networking and infrastructure/cloud teams. Our guest is Andrew Wertkin, Chief Strategy Officer at BlueCat. Takeaways: * Plan architectures collaboratively. If you’re a leader, make sure your teams are doing that. If you’re a planner or practitioner, push for it. * Find common ground. DNS, security, and compliance are good areas where cloud and network teams can meet. Show Links: BlueCat Networks Research Report BlueCat Networks Blog @bluecatnetworks – BlueCat Networks on Twitter BlueCat Networks on LinkedIn @awertkin – Andrew Wertkin on Twitter Transcript: [00:00:03.960] – Ethan Welcome to Day Two Cloud, Oh Ned, we got a good one today. This is with our sponsor, BlueCat Networks, and we talk about some stuff that may be self evident to some of you that are listening that is going from on prem to cloud integrating those two environments. It’s not a straightforward thing. And it’s not just a technology problem, although I guess it is, but it’s also this human problem. And we talk about some of those things. [00:00:29.430] – Ethan And then and the second half of the show, we really dove into this relating to DNS specifically, something one of the several things that BlueCat specializes in. Ned, what was one of your takeaways from the show? [00:00:40.680] – Ned Yeah, I think what really stood out for me is Andrew Wertkin, our guest, made a point that you can’t continue to do things in the cloud with traditional tools and traditional processes. You have to update both the tech and the people that are operating that tech, whether it’s a process or the way the two different groups collaborate. So that was a big focus for me throughout the entire conversation. Was that need for better collaboration and newer processes. [00:01:09.530] – Ethan I got to admit, when that point came up, Ned, I had a little bit of a sad as an old school DNS human going back in the day. Plain old DNS doesn’t get the job done anymore in a modern cloud environment. Enjoy this show with Andrew Wertkin of BlueCat Networks. [00:01:25.190] – Ethan Andrew Wertkin, welcome to Day Two Cloud. And we got a report we want to get to that you guys have commissioned and and have a lot of interesting information for us to talk about there. [00:01:35.580] – Ethan