1: Jane

Dear Jane - A podcast by The Spinoff

Meet Jane, a mum in her forties who is battling with the demons of her past. For decades she’s buried what happened to her when she was a teenager but in recent years has come to realise she is not to blame for the connection she had with Dan, her adult youth group leader during her teen years. We also meet Noelle, a writer and producer who is helping Jane to make a podcast about her experience. Through a first person account and letters from the time that set a typical scene of teen life in the nineties, we find out how this disturbing connection came about and how it progressed from inappropriate feelings to a full blown relationship in plain sight. Dear Jane was made with the support of NZ On Air  Resources: If this series brings up any issues for you there is help available 24-7: Helpline - free call or text 1737 Youthline - phone 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email [email protected]  Suicide Crisis Helpline - phone 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)