S01E12: Living with an Open Head Center | Inspiration Mastery with Michelle Cook
Decondition This! - A podcast by Marianna Milkis

We are back with another episode in our series on the lived experiences of specific centers in a Human Design chart. For this episode, I spoke about living with an Open Head with Michelle Cook, a reflector in perfect alignment with her playful, receptive nature. Michelle shared her insightful perception of openness, her views on inspiration, and even some cooking tips. I found her level of attunement absolutely fascinating — so please hop in and enjoy the ride if you have an open head or know someone who does. To get your Human Design chart, go to https://www.mybodygraph.com/ - your Head center is the triangle at the very top of the chart. To connect with Michelle, follow her at https://www.instagram.com/michelle_angel_cook/ and http://michelleangelcook.com/. As always, I would love to hear from you at [email protected]. Peace!