Sundays are for... Dylan Cherry
Delayed - A podcast by Delayed
To soundtrack this Fall Brooklyn morning, our eyes and ears turn to the north for Montreal based selector, Dylan Cherry. His mix is a gentle one, with wonderful flow and packed with emotion. Hitting all of those sweet spots for a fragile time, as we rise again to meet the world head on. Track list: Vladislav Delay - Untitled Track URA - Halogen Space Afrika - Uwëm/Creātiōn Ssaliva - Hidden Jason Kolàr - Corners Hiroshi Yoshimura - FEET SIEGE - Nebbia Spugna Antarctic Wastelands - In Eternal Drift Ataxy - Relaxing Shampoo Daar - Coda Sky H1 - Labyrinth Aphex Twin - Rhubarb (Somfay Cover) Axel Boman - Echoes Of My Mind Joni Mitchell - The Hissing of Summer Lawns @dylancherrymusic