#57: Mini Episode: Take a Break

Deliberate Freelancer - A podcast by Melanie Padgett Powers - Thursdays


This week is a mini episode because I’m doing what I’m preaching: Taking a break. I apologize for the brevity, but I will be back next week with regular episodes. This past weekend was the three-day Memorial Day weekend. And while it looked very different during this pandemic, I still focused on taking most of the weekend off, completely unplugged from work. And I encourage you to take a break too. Even if you aren’t that busy with your business right now, don’t feel guilty about taking a break. Everyone—no matter what our workload is right now—needs a physical and mental break from work. So, consider what a break looks like to you and take a few hours, a full day or a weekend off. My wish for you this week is to go easier on yourself, to not feel guilty for taking some time off from work and family, and to put yourself first by taking a break. I promise I’ll be back next week with regular episodes. Be well and take care.