EP47 - Product Mastery with Geoff Watts

Deliver It Cast - A podcast by Cory Bryan


  The latest offering from Geoff Watts is a great book for Product Owners about “Product Mastery”. Geoff offers some great insight into how PO’s can move from good to great through stories, examples, and some tried and true agile basics.  In this episode, Cory and Geoff talk about why the best product owners are DRIVEN to find success for themselves, the teams, and the customers.   Feedback: twitter - @deliveritcast email - [email protected]   Links: Co-host Post - http://deliveritcast.com/looking-for-a-new-co-host Melissa Perri - The Lean Product Management Manifesto Michael Sahota - Top 10 secrets of agile transformation Geoff Watts - https://inspectandadapt.com/ - @geoffcwatts - @theagilepubcast Geoff Watts - Product Mastery: From Good to Great Product Ownership