EP53 - Accepting Stories

Deliver It Cast - A podcast by Cory Bryan


  Getting to done is an important step for Product Owners and teams.  Finishing a story, making sure it’s done and then the act of acceptance is a great way to celebrate little goals.  We have talked about items around the way a PO should accept a story and this time, that’s the focus.  If you are interested in the “How”, “When”, and “Why” around on putting the last piece together for a story, listen up and enjoy.   Feedback: twitter - @deliveritcast email - [email protected]   Links: Co-host Post - Looking for a co-host Joshua Kerievsky - Modern Agile Jamie Edwards - What Is Customer Effort Score and How Do You Measure CES? Matt Anthes-Washburn -  When is a user story done Ram Santhanam - User Story Life Cycle https://www.quora.com/How-do-product-owners-accept-reject-user-stories