EP89 - Value Stream Mapping

Deliver It Cast - A podcast by Cory Bryan


  Ok Product Owners, how well do you know your flow? How well can you describe it to others? What’s the limiting factor in your product, delivery, and even company? Unless you’ve created and shared a Value Stream Map, you really don’t know.  Understanding how work happens, where it bottlenecks, and how much time is wasted is extremely valuable to learn how to deliver value sooner. Customers won’t care that there were extra steps, they want to use the product to solve their problem.  Help others see how to do that better with a VSM.   Feedback: twitter - @deliveritcast email - [email protected]   Links: PO Coaching and Consulting - Plutora - Tallyfy - Pace - Martin & Osterling - Glen Holmes - Eugen Eşanu -