Ep 64: The Brain-Skin Connection- Anti-age Your Face with Your Mind 

Dermatologist Talks: Science of Beauty - A podcast by Dr. Teo Wan Lin

Hollywood movies have caricatured the hearts and intents of personalities with faces designed to elicit an emotional response from the viewer.  An individual's facial expression tells us much about what they are thinking, and we pride ourselves on reading characters. Perhaps, also with the stereotypes imprinted in our minds by filmmakers. An inherent flaw in such a concept outside of reel life is that personalities are never black and white, and motivations for behaviours can fluctuate within an individual’s lifetime depending on social contexts. However, the predominance of an emotion-driven by habitual thought processes throughout one’s lifetime, likely past formative years into adulthood, may start imprinting physical residue via static rhytids developed as part of photoaging. This podcast episode expounds on Dr. Teo Wan Lin’s research on the brain-skin connection. Can our emotions, via chronic facial expressions leave a permanent residue on our faces? Want more of our podcast? Episode Recaps and Notes:https://www.scienceofbeauty.net/; Instagram: @drteowanlin; Youtube: http://bit.ly/35rjbve Teo WL. On thoughts, emotions, facial expressions, and aging. Int J Dermatol. 2021 Feb 9. doi: 10.1111/ijd.15443.