DIP | Ep. 2 | An Overview: Design and how it’s Used in Business (with Tommaso Martucci)
Design and Innovation Podcast - A podcast by Design and Innovation Podcast

On this episode, Tommaso Martucci from Indeed-Innovation shares from his experience on how businesses have been able to use design as a means to innovate and why the design process is a great strategy business leaders can leverage on.
1:00 Indeed innovation http://www.indeed-innovation.com/
8:02 Book by Fabio Novembre https://amzn.to/2QJAjG2
9:02 The Triennale in Milan https://www.triennale.org/en/
10:36 Why Businesses acquire design teams https://bit.ly/2OGywyP
22:30 Book by Roger Martin https://amzn.to/34gWeYV
24:16 Impact Week https://wux.vsz.mybluehost.me/
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