Human-Centered Smart Cities with Marianthi Tatari

Design and the City - A podcast by reSITE


As a true systems thinker, Marianthi Tatari, Associate Director and Senior Architect at UNStudio, takes a scalar approach to design, addressing issues of experience and sense of place in various scales and typologies. During our discussion, we dissect different aspects of city-making that threaten the quality of life such as monofunctional spaces and commoditized smart cities and how to approach designing them with optimism. 

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This podcast was created by reSITE, the global non-profit acting to improve the urban environment and organized as part of the project Shared Cities: Creative Momentum. It is produced by Radka Ondrackova, Matej Kostruh, Gil Cienfuegos, Adriana Bielkova and Polina Riabukha. It is directed and hosted by Alexandra Siebenthal and recorded and edited by LittleBig Studio.