Desperate Acts of Capitalism Podcast - A podcast by Desperate Acts of Capitalism Podcast - Fridays

The social internet could have been Myspace. Modular, user-centered, infinitely customizable. Like so many sites on the early internet, it was more accident than design, ballooning to enormous size and popularity much faster than its scam artist founders could keep up with. Join us as we find out how Myspace failed its way into success, and finally into catastrophe. Edited and thumbnail by Noah JOIN US ON PATREON FOR EARLY EPISODE RELEASES, BONUS CONTENT, AND MORE: www.patreon.com/desperateactsofcapitalism BIG THINGS ARE COMING Sources: Intelligencer https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2009/11/myspace_is.html Financial Times - The rise and fall of MySpace https://www.ft.com/content/fd9ffd9c-dee5-11de-adff-00144feab49a MySpace: We'll Crush YouTube https://mashable.com/archive/myspace-well-crush-youtube The Atlantic - Why We’re Nostalgic for MySpace https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2023/08/top-eight-how-myspace-changed-music-book-review/675096/ Stealing Myspace by Julia Angwin https://www.amazon.com/Stealing-MySpace-Control-Popular-Website/dp/1400066948