Shifting DevSec Left with ShiftLeft /RSAC Special

DevOps Chat - A podcast by


In this DevOps Chat we speak with Manish Gupta, CEO co-founder of ShiftLeft. ShiftLeft is one of the up and coming DevSecOps companies. As evidence of such, they were recently chosen as one of the 10 finalists for this years #RSAC innovation Sandbox award. I have known Manish for many years in the security industry and it does not surprise me that he is once again at the top of a company that is setting the mark in the industry. As DevSecOps continues to mature we are seeing solutions that help at different points of the software pipeline. Some solutions are shifting far left and helping developers at the point of development and committing code. Other solutions are squarely aimed at the old Ops team. Almost a DevSec and a SecOps bifurcation. I am not sure that this is a great thing, I would like to see a more holistic solution, but I do believe the market will correct this. ShiftLeft could be one of those companies who is on top at the end of the day.