Understanding the Global Malnutrition Composite Score featuring Wendy Phillips, MS, RD, NWCC, FAND, FASPEN and Maureen Janowski, RDN, CSG, LDN, FAND
Dietitians in Nutrition Support: DNS Podcast - A podcast by Hosted by Christina Rollins, MBA, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, CNSC - Mondays

In this episode, we chat with two fabulous registered dietitian nutritionists - Wendy Phillips, MS, RD, NWCC, FAND, FASPEN and Maureen Janowski, RDN, CSG, LDN, FAND about the CMS Global Malnutrition Composite Score, also referred to as GMCS. The GMCS is the first nutrition-focused quality measure to be included in the CMS Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program in the FY 2023 Inpatient Prospective Payment System Final Rule. Wendy is a masters-prepared regional vice president for Morrison Healthcare, based out of Cleveland Ohio. She leads program development and implementation of population health efforts to address chronic disease and nutrition security in Northeast Ohio. This work has earned her a variety of accolades including the 2021 Compass One in the Community Award, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Grassroots Advocacy Award, Excellence in Practice – Management Practice award, and Medallion Award. Maureen also works with Morrison Healthcare as the Corporate Director of Malnutrition where she is responsible for software development, analyzing metrics, management, education, training, reporting, and performance improvement. She started her career with Morrison as a clinical dietitian in a retirement home, progressed to regional management, and now has been working at the corporate level for the last 15 years. This episode is hosted by Christina Rollins, MBA, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, CNSC and was recorded on 2/13/2023. Disclosure: Christina Rollins is chair of the Commission on Dietetic Registration, 2022-2023.