Cathars, lady Foixes, and the return to Rennes-le-château
Digging Up Ancient Aliens - A podcast by Fredrik Trusohamn

This time, I'm not alone! I have Ph.D. candidate Grace Rinehart Macrae, the Time Traveling Archaeologist, with me. We will learn more about the Cathars and one of their influential personalities, Esclarmonde of Foix. A woman who was very important among the Cathars and told to go back to the kitchen by the Dominican orders founder Saint Dominic. Esclarmonde did not to the saint's frustration. She also got known as the Fox due to her ability to avoid the Catholic inquisition.Grace will also take us back to Rennes-le-château, where we will revisit and learn more about the buried treasure. Some additional information can be added to our documentation.Find Grace on TikTok here: @thetimetravelingcreativeIn Digging up Ancient Aliens, our host Fredrik uses his background in archaeology to discover what is genuine, fake, and somewhere in between in popular media, such as Ancient Aliens, Ancient Apocalypse, and many other places.In this episode:Cathars Esclarmonde of FoixRennes-le-châteauContact:Website: https://diggingupancientaliens.comEmail: [email protected]: a supporter! Sign up for Patreon or membership here: ArchPodNetAPN Website: https://www.archpodnet.comAPN on Facebook: on Twitter: on Instagram: Public Store MusicThe intro music is Lily of the woods by Sandra Marteleur, and the outro is named “Folie hatt” by Trallskruv. Visit Trallskruvs