Reality Radio CafeCast for Thursday, November 7, 2019
DigiCommCafe - A podcast by Dennyj - K5DCC
Reality Radio CafeCast for Thursday, November 7, 2019
In this episode:
- QSO on Zello with Eddie, KQ6K
- My Favorite Pass Time off AO-91 where I made several good contacts. Michael, K9EI, checks in with some interesting satellite news and information. This pass was also recorded on my iPhone as a screen capture showing you how it looks working a bird with my ISS Tracking program You can watch the video at Another pass was recorded of AO-85 which turned out better. Just experimenting to see what works best with the small type on the app. This one I uploaded to Vimeo. You can view it here:
- Daily Devo with Melo, K1BAD