December 2020 Podcast: PlayStation 5, history fanservice, and good remakes!
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Welcome to our final podcast of the year! This week we have special guest, Sanatana Mishra who has worked on, among other things, the excellent Assault Android Cactus and a range of remakes, including the Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse remake from a few years ago that was so, so good. We talk with Sanatana about remakes, remasters, and what works and doesn't. We also talk about the new toy on the block - the PlayStation 5 - and all the fun we've been having with that, and then we talk about history games, and how Assassin's Creed is right back on top thanks to Valhalla. Finally, we talk about all the good games coming out in December... there are more of them than you think. Thanks as always for tuning in, and we hope you enjoy the cast! Say hi and share your thoughts, and we'll be back right at the end of the year for the January episode!