May 2024 Podcast: Weird, quirky games, Suikoden and literature, and the games of May
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This month we delve into everything from the controversial Stella Blade to the untapped potential in Australian game stories such as Broken Roads, and everything in-between. We kick off the podcast talking about all the games we're looking forward to that are coming out in May. There are some surprising ones on the horizon that you probably weren't aware of, but should have on the radar! From there we talk about the quirky, less popular games from the 90s such as Iggy's Wrecking Balls and Ayden Chronicles, and how difficult it can be to preserve those titles for future generations. And then finally we talk about adapting books to games - Suikoden, for example, is based on Water Margin, and while you don't need to have read the book to enjoy the game, the relationship between the two is interesting, and it would be nice to see more game developers do that. Thanks as always for tuning in, and we'll see you next month!