The games of February, in-depth with Dissidia and Matt C finally has a Nintendo Switch! (Digitally Uploaded 2018, Episode #4)
Digitally Uploaded - A podcast by

With January now over, we're right into the thick of 2018, and the game releases are coming on thick and fast - you're talking everything Dynasty Warriors to Fe, Square Enix RPGs and Bayonetta! You're not going to be putting any of your consoles away this month. Also Matt C finally has a Nintendo Switch, so the rest of us... helpfully... give him advice on which games to grab from that console's mammoth existing library. Finally for our in-depth this week, we look at Dissidia Final Fantasy NT; it's a new game, sure, but we already have some pretty complex thoughts on that one. Also, stay tuned in after the last bit of music for a bonus ;-) Thanks for tuning in, and catch us on our social media here: Matt S: @digitallydownld Alan M: @Trufflesss_ Matt C: @MC_Odd Ginny W: @ginnywoes