#58 - "Bloom"-ing an Indie Animated Feature Film with Oscar Winner, Brandon Oldenburg ~ D.A. Livecast
Directing Animation Livecast - A podcast by Scott Wiser

Originally streamed on YouTube Live on Aug 2, 2024. Audio edited by Kiara Horowitz. Since Directing Animation Livecast Episode #2 starring Moonbot Co-founder Brandon Oldenburg, he has gone to develop Flight School Studio, The Immersive Department of Wonder, and now "InBetween" which got to show off development for it new feature film Bloom at Annecy 2024. As always, Brandon is an inspiring guy and this should be a great conversation! Interviewer Scott Wiser is currently supervising at Steamroller Studios (supervising Lego Fortnite and animating on Spice Frontier) and has written and directed for Spacestation Animation. He is the creator of 15 deeply meaningful feature film pitches and counting. 3 of these are Kickstarted Books and one is a short film. Any producers or executives interested in collaborating or funding on Scott Wiser's projects can peruse these pitches through the application at: www.scottwiser.com/collaborate