#61 - The 21, Oscar Eligable animated short directed by Cartoon Saloon alum Tod Polson ~ D.A. Livecast

Directing Animation Livecast - A podcast by Scott Wiser


Originally Streamed on YouTube Live Dec 6, 2024. Audio edited by Kiara Horowitz. Produced by a team of 70+ artists from more than 24 countries, in collaboration with the global Coptic community, "The 21" is up for an Oscar nomination in 2025 Director Tod Polson made this statement: The 2015 beheading of 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS sent shockwaves across the globe and left a deep, lasting impact on me personally. The martyrs’ steadfast faith in the face of overwhelming terror was, and continues to be, both humbling and deeply inspiring. When the opportunity arose to tell their story, I embraced it wholeheartedly. The creation of the film has been an incredible journey. The story evolved slowly, shaped by interviews with Coptic Christians, former ISIS members, and journalists embedded with the Libyan army. Spending time with the families of the martyrs allowed me to better understand who these men were, further deepening my admiration for their courage and conviction. The visual style of The 21 is rooted in traditional iconography. Artists from Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, and the United States contributed their expertise, not only helping shape the aesthetic of the film but also influencing my own approach to art. Animation artists from around the world lent their talents, each adding something personal to the project. My deepest hope is that The 21 serves as a tribute to the martyrs and their families. In a world that seems more than ever in need of such powerful examples of faith and resilience, I believe their story is more vital than ever. THE21FILM.COM Interviewer Scott Wiser is currently supervising at Steamroller Studios (supervising Lego Fortnite and animating on Spice Frontier) and has written and directed for Spacestation Animation. He is the creator of 15 deeply meaningful feature film pitches and counting. 3 of these are Kickstarted Books and one is a short film. Any producers or executives interested in collaborating or funding on Scott Wiser's projects can peruse these pitches through the application at: www.scottwiser.com/collaborate