Interrogating an Urban Apologist! (Elder Mike Holloway)

Disciple Dojo - A podcast by JM Smith

In this second long-form discussion here in the Dojo, I’m so happy to have as my guest Elder Mike Holloway from We had a great time talking about everything from often-uncomfortable racial issues, to cults and false teachers who prey on the vulnerable, which Calvinists you should read, to interpreting the OT prophecies, to the nature of Baptism and Communion. It was a joy to sit down with him (thanks to the miracle of modern technology!) and shoot the breeze with a brother in Christ. If you’re not already subscribed to his channel here on YouTube, do yourself a favor and go there right now! He’s got great content and does FREQUENT livestream teaching sessions! And DEFINITELY follow him on Facebook if you want to see some of the craziness we discussed for yourself! :) Here are the timestamps for those who don’t have time to watch the full discussion: 00:00:00 - Opening 00:01:14 - What is an “Urban Apologist”? 00:04:35 - “Urban” as coded language for “black”? 00:15:48 - Learning from other Christian subcultures 00:19:12 - Pray for Detroit Lions fans! 00:20:30 - Elder Mike’s favorites (and why he cried watching Armageddon!) 00:25:35 - Is Batman the greatest superhero of all time? 00:26:46 - Who should Christians be reading right now? 00:28:06 - Arminians read Calvinists! 00:29:25 - What Elder Mike things white evangelicals need to take to heart… 00:35:24 - How can we critique church culture without condemning or being condescending? 00:39:31 - Are Christmas and Easter “pagan”? 00:46:24 - Linus’s mic-drop moment (and why JM cries watching The Charlie Brown Christmas Special!) 00:47:32 - Hebrew cults and the sacrificial laws of Torah 00:50:11 - Christians trying to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple and bring back the Levitical sacrifices?? 00:53:08 - How do we avoid “spiritualizing” prophetic texts in Scripture? 01:01:30 - Jesus and the “fulfillment” of prophecy 01:05:10 - Doing ministry on social media 01:09:14 - What is the most ridiculous nonsense Mike has seen masquerading as preaching? 01:12:45 - why the prosperity gospel is so infuriatingly evil! 01:17:38 - the importance of TEACHING rather than just ENTERTAINMENT and FEELINGS in the local church! 01:19:40 - “Teaching” vs. “Preaching” 01:24:03 - Elder Mike’s theological education 01:30:19 - The importance of Biblical languages! 01:34:04 - Fake “Hebrew Israelite” names on social media 01:35:18 - Viewer Question: If Acts 2:38 is not the plan of salvation, how were 3000 added to the church on Pentecost? 01:39:38 - Bible interpretation: PREscriptive vs. DEscriptive 01:42:14 - What is your view on sacraments (Baptism and Communion)? 01:51:47 - What is the best and most effective way to share the gospel with a nonbeliever? ------ Go deeper at   Subscribe to the Disciple Dojo podcast for more in-depth teaching and discussions:  SoundCloud -   Spotify -   iTunes - Stitcher -   Amazon -   Disciple Dojo is a 501c3 Nonprofit organization. As such we rely on donor support to make this teaching available freely online. Please consider supporting this ministry if you benefit from the videos or podcast at