My Granny's Funeral and Death's Undoing

Disciple Dojo - A podcast by JM Smith

The hardest message I've ever had to give...but perhaps the most important of them all. I was asked to speak at my Granny's funeral, and I knew what she would want me to say because I knew how important it was to her. If you've ever grieved the loss of a loved one, I pray this message stirs something within your heart that God uses to draw you closer and give you the lasting peace that Granny had as she stepped into His presence after nearly 86 years of life in this world. For us family members, it was a beautiful and bittersweet day of saying goodbye. Tears, laughter, and memories of Granny were all shared in abundance, and our family is at peace because she went to be with the Lord with no pain, no prolonged illness, a functioning mind, in her own bed at home, and next to the man she loved through 69 years of marriage. Who could ask for a better way to leave this world? Those who had the pleasure to know Granny (and if you met her, you know that's what you called her, because she was Granny to you no matter whether you were family or not!) know how much of a a character she was (lack of verbal filter and all!) and how devoted she was to her family, her friends, and her Lord. Her health had been something of a struggle the past few years, but she lived to see 3 of her 4 grandchildren married, and 6 great-grandchildren who loved their Granny dearly. That is such a blessing that we would all be fortunate to experience one day. Granny raised us grandkids with a beautiful mixture of grits & eggs, unconditional love, fishing and camping trips on the river, chocolate chip cookies & cracker pie, undying pride and devotion to our lives...and switches for our legs whenever we were bad or interrupted her soap operas! :) I am a better man for having spent just a few days shy of 39 years knowing, loving, and being loved by her. Granny was always my number one fan and I hope I continue to make her proud until we see each other again at the Great Wedding Banquet. We love you, Granny. Rest now with Jesus.